AGE: 38
PROFESSION: Finance Director
HOMETOWN: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
COLLEGE: Maastricht University
FAVORITE FOOD: Thin crust pizza
FAVORITE MOVIE: The Shawshank Redemption
HOBBIES: Skiing, reading, watching movies, good food & wine (can that be a hobby?), yoga, and learning to play golf.
BACKGROUND: I have basically worked out all my life, although the intensity and consistency haven’t always been there. I started with swimming (which is mandatory in The Netherlands), ballet and gymnastics at a very young age. Then later, I played tennis and field hockey (which I played until the age of 30). Due to an injury, I had to quit field hockey, but it is still one of my favorite sports because of the camaraderie aspect of the sport.
Also, I spent my family vacations in the Alps growing up, hiking in the summer and skiing in the winter. So I have been very fortunate to have had exercise and fitness as an integral part of my upbringing.
When I moved to Santa Monica in 2015, I was going on early morning runs and saw Sonki’s group working out in Santa Monica with this beautiful ocean view. I prefer to exercise outdoors and California is the perfect place for it, so I decided to join Sonki Fitness and partake in the fun outdoors. Now here we are, 18 months later and getting recognized as a Sonki Fitness All-Star. 🙂
I have definitely gotten stronger in the past 18 months. But even more importantly, I feel fit, active and healthy.
What is your current exercise routine? Sonki Fitness three times a week and some yoga or running.
What is your motivation to stay in shape? I like feeling well and strong (mentally and physically). Also, I have to offset the eating and drinking that I enjoy so much…
What is your greatest challenge to staying in shape? For me it is all about consistency. When I get out of my routine, it is hard to get back on track.
What is your key to success? Just sign up and show up. You ALWAYS feel better afterwards.
What do you like about Sonki Fitness and how has it affected your life? I really enjoy the feeling of camaraderie that Sonki Fitness brings, especially being new to the area. And I really like their positive approach to training through motivation and inspiration instead of a typical boot camp approach of yelling and intimidation. Also, Sonki Fitness has helped me feel good about myself that I work out regularly and sleep better.
What advice would you give to others about fitness? Do something that you enjoy as it will be easier to maintain. And if it is tough for you to get started or to maintain, sign up with a friend(s).