AGE: 36
PROFESSION: Packaging Engineer
COLLEGE: The Tuskegee University
FAVORITE PLACE VISITED: Tamarindo, Costa Rica.
FAVORITE SINGER: Michael Jackson
HOBBIES: Off Roading / HAM Radio operator / Snow Boarding / Camping / Fishing
BACKGROUND: When I started Sonki Fitness 3+ years ago, I weighted 195lbs. I was extremely strong but my cardio was horrible. My wife, Regina, introduced me to Sonki Fitness to help me trim up and to improve my cardio abilities. Fast forward, I can now run a 6 minute mile. I weigh 180 lbs and lowered by body fat by a few percentage points. I couldn’t have achieved these results without the support of my fellow Sonki Fitness Warriors and instructors.
What is your current exercise routine? Sonki Fitness 3 days a week in Playa Vista, plus a short 25-min weight training on the same day. On weekends, I take my daughter on 5+ mile waterfall hikes.
What is your motivation to stay in shape? My family and to be able to continue fitting into my favorite skinny jeans.
What is your greatest challenge to staying in shape? My diet.
What is your key to success? I never settle for mediocrity and try to learn something new everyday.
What do you like about Sonki Fitness and how has it affected your life? Sonki Fitness has the best in class instructors who know how to push their clients beyond their comfort level.
What advice would you give to others about fitness? You’ll get what you put in. You work hard and eat right, you’ll get quick and sustainable results.
Any other comments? I live by this simple truth – “I’m the author of my own biography. I will decide what the world will read one day.” Hard work, dedication and persistence is what I strive for every day. That is why Sonki Fitness is a great marriage for my personal philosophy and goal to live a long and healthy life.