AGE: 36
PROFESSION: Nurse Practitioner (Hepatology, aka anything liver related)
PLACE YOU WANT TO VISIT: Maldives (and many others)
HOBBIES: Traveling, hiking, going to concerts/shows, playing with my fur child (dog), and…does eating count?
BACKGROUND: I first started Sonki Fitness a little over a year ago and can honestly say that I am physically the strongest that I have ever been. After having both ankles and a hand previously operated on, I was not sure I could make it through a “boot camp” session. Since participating in Sonki Fitness, I gradually developed strength (doubled push-ups, tripled sit-ups, can plank a few minutes when I couldn’t at all before), increased my endurance (no longer feel like I am going to have a heart attack while running), and feel that my ankles are so much stronger. Losing some inches has also been a plus!
What is your current exercise routine? Mostly just Sonki Fitness 3 times a week! I try to throw in the treadmill or a hike here and there.
What is your motivation to stay in shape? My family, health, and feeling better. I have terrible health genes, so I want to stay ahead!
What is your greatest challenge to staying in shape? I love food too much. Also, making time and keeping up with a workout routine can be a challenge.
What is your key to success? Constantly challenging myself to go harder, and participating in Sonki Fitness with others who will push (or sometimes drag) me to go to class when I am feeling tired.
What do you like about Sonki Fitness and how has it affected your life? Sonki Fitness is for everyone. It does not matter if you are an athlete or have never exercised a day in your life. The class caters to every level and appropriately challenges everyone’s fitness abilities in a fun and positive environment! I am glad there is no yelling as I would not do well in that kind of setting. My job literally requires me to deal with life and death on a daily basis, and it can drain a lot of emotional, cognitive, and physical energy. Sonki Fitness has given me the missing link to help channel all of that into a positive outlet. I feel that I am living a better balanced life, with increased productivity in all aspects. I have never been a physically fit person, but with the help of Sonki Fitness, I can truly say that I am striving to be “stronger, faster, leaner – for life!”
What advice would you give to others about fitness? Make time for fitness. The benefits will truly outweigh any sacrifice of time put in.
Any other comments? Give Sonki Fitness a try. I survived (and keep coming back for more)!