AGE: 37
PROFESSION: Product Marketing at DIRECTV
HOMETOWN: Santa Monica, CA
COLLEGE: Howard University
FAVORITE FOOD: Cajun Cuisine (Seafood Gumbo)
FAVORITE PLACE VISITED: Amazon Rainforest, Peru
PLACE YOU WANT TO VISIT: China – to run the Great Wall Marathon. Why not add a few steps to a marathon to double the fun?
HOBBIES: Running, spending quality time with my family, traveling, camping, fishing, and pretty much anything that deals with the outdoors.
What is your current exercise routine? Sonki Fitness & training for the 2018 LA Marathon with LA Road Runners.
What is your motivation to stay in shape? I want to be the healthiest I can for myself as well as my family. When I workout, I’m happier, have more energy throughout the day, and sleep better at night.
What is your greatest challenge to staying in shape? Staying consistent in spite of the curve balls my schedule throws at me. When I fall out of my routine, it is hard to get back on track.
What is your key to success? Continually setting goals for myself like signing up for a 5K race. It gives me something to look forward to and keeps me motivated to train hard.
What do you like about Sonki Fitness and how has it affected your life? I love the special camaraderie that exists with my fellow Sonki Fitness boot campers. Everyone is so supportive and we have fun while working hard. Sonki Fitness has helped me maintain a consistent workout routine and because of that I feel better and have more self-confidence.
What advice would you give to others about fitness? “Just Do It” Motivation is the result of your workout, not the cause. The great things in life are all achieved by moving through the absence of motivation.