AGE: 33
PROFESSION: Director of Marketing, Events, & Public Relations
COLLEGE: Roger Williams University
FAVORITE FOOD: Fresh raspberries
PLACE YOU WANT TO VISIT: The entire world! But top choices are South Africa, the Amazon jungle, and New Zealand.
FAVORITE MOVIE: The Never Ending Story
HOBBIES: Painting, Cooking, Hiking, being in the ocean, and of course working out at Sonki Fitness. 🙂
BACKGROUND: I’ve been taking Sonki Fitness classes on and off for over 6 years. Sometimes it’s difficult for me to be consistent with my workout routine due to my busy schedule, but I always return to Sonki Fitness because I see the fastest and best results. Sonki keeps me dedicated to my personal fitness goals by holding me accountable. As an athlete growing up, I was always fit but as I got older and not on sports teams anymore, I found myself losing the body and strength I once had. When I first started up with Sonki, I could barely run a mile. By the end of my first five weeks, I was able to run over eight miles and had no problem keeping up pace. The best is when strangers or friends stop me and ask my workout secret, and I tell them it’s no secret – It’s Sonki!
What is your current exercise routine? Sonki Fitness 2-3x per week, pilates 1x per week, and an outdoor activity like hiking, biking, stand up paddle, or swimming 1-2x per week.
What is your motivation to stay in shape? They say, “when you look good you feel good,” and it’s true! I love the feeling of being excited to wear a bikini because Sonki Fitness has given me the confidence to do so. Sonki Fitness gets me in my best shape and motivates me to live a healthy lifestyle outside of class as well.
What is your greatest challenge to staying in shape? Time and money. My schedule is busy so it can be difficult to find the time to work out. Taking multiple group classes can also adds up so I tend to work out less when I’m having a slower month financially.
What is your key to success? Show up and be consistent. As challenging as it can be, remind yourself it’s worth it. Push yourself just a little more than you think you can handle.
What do you like about Sonki Fitness and how has it affected your life? With Sonki Fitness, I love being outdoors in a group setting. It’s very motivating to me. It doesn’t get much better than working out at the beach with a breathtaking view! Although the workouts can be challenging, I feel accomplished at the end of each class because I know I pushed my limits and will see results. Being in great shape gives me a confidence boost and pride in my dedication to a healthy lifestyle.
What advice would you give to others about fitness? Showing up is most important. If you’re feeling unmotivated to exercise, just put on your work out gear and sneakers and show up to Sonki Fitness (on time:)… the rest will fall in place. Group exercising is helpful if you are first starting out especially because we all support each other’s path to a healthier and stronger self.
Any other comments? Another thing I love about Sonki Fitness is that the classes are small and friendly, so you get more personalized attention. In addition, the classes are not like other LA fitness classes where you feel judged the moment you walk in. At Sonki Fitness, regardless of one’s fitness level, everyone is accepted and supportive of each other during the process.