AGE: 47
PROFESSION: High School Math Teacher
HOMETOWN: Sandusky, OH
COLLEGE: Miami University, Ohio State University, & Bowling Green State University.
FAVORITE FOOD: Anything spicy.
FAVORITE MOVIE: Harold and Maude
HOBBIES: Traveling, swimming, running, biking, writing, singing, and drinking wine.
BACKGROUND: I grew up in Ohio, and have lived in Michigan, Australia, and now Santa Monica. No matter where I have been, fitness has been important to me, but sometimes my attention to it has been derailed. I was a swimmer in middle and high school, and have always considered myself an athlete, and have run a half and full marathons (no fulls for me anymore, my feet protest!). When I am fit, I feel stronger, more confident, and young!
What is your current routine? Sonki Fitness 2 – 3 times a week and bike, swim, or run on non-Sonki days. I try to do something active every day.
What is your motivation to stay in shape? If you asked me 25 years ago it would be primarily for looking good, but now I see the benefit more in feeling well and staying healthy. I have been considering doing a triathlon for the first time, and that keeps me motivated too.
What is your greatest challenge to staying in shape? Time is my biggest challenge. I drive to the valley for work, and it can be difficult to make it to Sonki Fitness or drag my lazy bum out to exercise.
What is your key to success? I think my key to success is having a goal and being persistent. And the more I see results, the more I want to keep at it!
What do you like about Sonki Fitness and how has it affected your life? Sonki Fitness has introduced me to so many cool and wonderful people; it feels like a little family. And I love that Sonki allows me to challenge myself at my own pace, encouraging me without stressing me out. I know I will feel exhausted but great after doing Sonki Fitness.
What advice would you give to others about fitness? Fitness gives back in so many ways, and it is never too late to start! Sonki Fitness makes it fun.
Any other comments? Thank you for such an awesome boot camp!