AGE: 38
PROFESSION: Director of Development for the University of Michigan (Fundraising)
HOMETOWN: Kentfield, CA
COLLEGE: UC Davis (undergrad) and University of Michigan (MBA)
FAVORITE FOOD: Pasta. Any pasta. When I was in high school, we used to drive way too far to go to the Olive Garden way too often. At one point, they were marketing heavily around their “Culinary Institute” in Tuscany. It’s where they claimed they sent their chefs and other staff to learn about authentic Italian cuisine. My friends and I jokingly talked about visiting someday. Because out of all the actual Italian restaurants, in Italy, who wouldn’t want to eat at an Olive Garden instead? Right after college, I was living in London and decided to go to Italy for my birthday. Lots of internet sleuthing, lots of phone calls, a rental car, lots of getting lost and finally ended up at a tiny, 12th Century vineyard. And we dined on wild boar pasta. But no breadsticks. And they denied any affiliation with the Olive Garden. And I felt like a bad person for being disappointed that the food was so much better than and nothing like the Olive Garden.
FAVORITE PLACE VISITED: The hill that runs along Lincoln Blvd in Playa Vista. Actually, England.
FAVORITE MOVIE: DodgeBall: A True Underdog Story
HOBBIES: Tennis, Beach Volleyball, and Trivia.
BACKGROUND: I started Sonki Fitness in Playa Vista about a year and a half ago. I have always been pretty active, and since moving back to LA a few years ago, participated in various sports leagues and went to the gym regularly. However, things changed when I was going through a tough breakup. I stopped going to the gym, stopped going for runs, started eating a ton of junk food, and wasn’t competing as well in my sports leagues/tournaments. Sonki Fitness offered me much-needed structure, consistency and a different kind of workout that I had never tried before. Admittedly, I’m not a morning person at all. So the struggle to wake up early and get to class on time was tough. But over time, it started becoming easier to wake up and the results started becoming more apparent. I was feeling better, eating healthier, and performing much better in tournaments and practices in my sports leagues. The training with Sonki Fitness (Gabe in the mornings and Brianna in the evenings) was hugely impactful physically, but even more so mentally. The focus and concentration I slowly developed to not only show up for each class but to push through the workouts when I was tired, sore, and preoccupied with other things is what I’m most proud of as it has translated to many other areas of my life. The discipline developed is just like a muscle that grows stronger over time when exercised with resistance.
What is your current routine? Sonki Fitness 3 times a week, tennis practice twice a week, and beach volleyball practice three times a week.
What is your motivation to stay in shape? Positive health outcomes; I enjoy the process of working hard and seeing results; I’m competitive and hate losing.
What is your greatest challenge to staying in shape? I like to eat sugar and carbs. Also, it’s still rough waking up so early on MWF mornings. I travel for work, and maintaining consistency while on the road is not always simple or easy.
What is your key to success? Showing up even when I really don’t want to. Staying focused and enjoying the process versus obsessing over results.
What do you like about Sonki Fitness and how has it affected your life? Sonki Fitness trainers are all excellent, energetic, and very very good at what they do. Fellow Sonki Fitness Warriors provide levity and motivation. The HIIT approach is awesome because it’s always varied and yields a great baseline of fitness that translates well to other sports.
What advice would you give to others about fitness? The workouts are challenging and don’t always feel great, but the biggest hurdle isn’t physical. It’s mental. I’ve been surprised at how hard I’ve been able to push my body during my Sonki Fitness workouts. I had never run a sub-6 minute mile before starting Sonki Fitness or been able to complete 3-4 minutes of a core medley without giving up. If you can train your mind to push through discomfort and pain in Sonki Fitness, then I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how that discipline translates to other areas of your life.