AGE: 27
PROFESSION: Real Estate Broker in NYC
HOMETOWN: Saratoga, CA
COLLEGE: Loyola Marymount University
FAVORITE FOOD: Round Table Pizza, halibut, strawberries, and chocolate chip cookies
FAVORITE MOVIE: When Harry Met Sally & anything by Nancy Meyers (It’s Complicated, Something’s Gotta Give…).
HOBBIES: Interior design, going to the Comedy Cellar or watching stand-up comedy, snowboarding, and working out.
BACKGROUND: I was an athlete my entire life, but there have been times when I was heavier and out of shape. After enjoying Sonki Fitness for a couple of years while in college, I moved to San Francisco for a new job after graduation, leaving my Sonki Fitness routine behind. Within a few months of working at my first job in tech I gained 15 pounds, which was a result from unlimited lunches/snacks, drinking too much, sitting at a desk all day, and not working out nearly as much as I was used to. Unfortunately, I was stuck in this unhealthy cycle for 2 years in SF, and it wasn’t until I moved to NYC 4 years ago that fitness and health became a priority again. As a major bonus, my career in real estate does not handcuff me to a desk any longer. On average I walk about 4-7 miles a day running around the city.
What is your current routine? Living on the East Coast now makes it tough to exercise outdoors most times of the year, so my routine consists mostly of hot yoga, pilates, weight training, and running outside (when the weather permits). I work out 3-5 days a week. I really wish we could have Sonki Fitness in NYC because I hate working out in traditional gyms.
What is your motivation to stay in shape? Feeling strong makes me feel powerful and resilient, mentally and physically. Being fit and healthy gives me confidence in every aspect of my life, and it’s very important to me to feel good and look great!
What is your greatest challenge to staying in shape? Getting up early enough to make it to a morning class before I start my day. If I don’t get it done in the morning there is a 95% chance I won’t make up for it at night.
What is your key to success? Rolling with the ups and downs of life. That means in work and with working out. Sometimes I’m a 5-6 days a week type of gal, and there are some weeks I don’t make it to a workout and that’s OK. I know I can always jump back into my routine. Also, laughter. If you can laugh every day then you’ve had a good day.
What do you like about Sonki Fitness and how has it affected your life? I joined Sonki Fitness as an intern in college. I’ve always enjoyed working out and staying fit but towards the end of college I was only doing cardio and lost a lot of my strength from when I was an athlete. Not only is his workout in the most beautiful setting in LA, but every class was challenging in different ways which kept it interesting and fun. The group dynamic created a comforting, yet competitive environment to really exhaust yourself in only an hour. I felt the results physically and mentally very quickly. Whenever I’m doing a barre class and I hear, “up an inch, down an inch” I hear Sonki’s voice. That will never go away!
What advice would you give to others about fitness? Find something that you’re innately good at and enjoy. For me, I am terrible (like absolutely awful) at anything choreographed so I stay away from dance classes or zumba etc. Luckily, I am coordinated and flexible so I have other options!
Any other comments? I’ve always said, the only reason I’d ever move back to LA is for Sonki Fitness. Only time will tell…