AGE: 45
PROFESSION: Advertising (Media/Tech Sales)
FAVORITE FOOD: Chicken adobo over rice
FAVORITE PLACE VISITED: Safari in Botswana and Zimbabwe. It’s truly life altering to experience the circle of life so up-close and intimately.
PLACE YOU WANT TO VISIT: My goal is to travel with my family to a new country every year. My top 3 right now are Korea, Israel, and the Philippines.
FAVORITE MOVIE: Shawshank Redemption
HOBBIES: Dining at new restaurants and tasting different types of wine.
BACKGROUND: 13 years ago, I took Sonki’s class in Santa Monica. I had great memories of the classes, being outdoors and surrounded by Sonki’s positive culture and community. However, work and life got in the way along with my move to Playa Vista. At the beginning of 2019, I was the heaviest I had been and physically didn’t look and feel well. So I needed to make a significant change and discovered Sonki Fitness in Playa Vista. After 10+ years since my last Sonki Fitness class, the first session in May was extremely difficult. But since then, I’ve seen my body and face change, having lost over 10 pounds. I am the strongest and healthiest I have been in years and look forward to improving on all of this in 2020.
What is your current exercise routine? I take Sonki Fitness AM class in Playa Vista three days a week with Natalie. The days in between Sonki Fitness, I weave in jogging on the beach, stretching, Soulcycle, and playing basketball.
What is your motivation to stay in shape? My 4 year old son. I want to one day be able to play full-court basketball and tennis with him when he’s older.
What is your greatest challenge to staying in shape? Caloric intake. I enjoy eating and drinking a bit too much.
What is your key to success? Not being so hard on myself and showing up. Being in shape and staying healthy is a process that takes time and patience. Also, every day poses new challenges and obstacles to get in the way of working out and eating well, so just showing up and giving it your best effort is vital.
What do you like about Sonki Fitness Boot Camp and how has it affected your life? Life is already stressful, so the last thing I want is a trainer or a class adding to that stress, making me feel inferior or weak. Don’t get me wrong, the workouts are hard, but what I enjoy about Sonki Fitness is the positive culture and community feel that’s provided, first with Gabe and now with Natalie. I also love that our classes are outdoors, which beats being in the gym.
What advice would you give to others about fitness? Stick with it. It’s too easy to sleep-in or skip a day of working out. 80% of the battle is really just showing up. However, if you miss a few days which will happen, don’t beat yourself up over it. Make it out today and try your best. Your body will thank you for it after.