AGE: “40’s” (any woman who tells you her exact age after 40 is probably lying…)
PROFESSION: Small business owner. I invented an effective bio pesticide that’s safe to use around pets and babies (sold in 5 different countries). I’m currently working on EPA registration so that I can sell it in retail stores like Whole Foods. (*Sarah was also a star on the reality hit TV show “Joe Millionaire” and cover model for Playboy.)
COLLEGE: George Mason University & Southwestern School of Law
FAVORITE FOOD: It always comes down to pizza…
FAVORITE PLACE VISITED: Hawaii (on Sonki Fitness Vacation!!)
FAVORITE MOVIE: A tie between Old School and the Princess Bride.
FAVORITE SINGER: Currently revisiting Amy Winehouse as my fave.
HOBBIES: With a newborn and 3-year old at home, my “hobbies” have been relegated to pumping breast milk and shopping at Target.
BACKGROUND: I was always just an active person when I was young – hiking, swimming, rock climbing, biking, dancing, etc. And that kept me in shape. But after law school, I was pretty sedentary and had gotten out of shape. I needed to be in top shape since I was working on television and modeling, so I needed help getting a streamlined fitness routine to get me back and keep me in shape. Well thanks to Sonki, he helped me get in the best shape of my life!
What is your current exercise routine? I’m only 4 weeks post-partum of a high risk pregnancy, where I was practically on bed rest, so I have a couple more weeks before I can get going again. Right now I’m just walking a bit.
What is your motivation to stay in shape? I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t at least in part my vanity. We used to say in the modeling world, “nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.” But as I get older, I think staying in shape is so much more than that. It helps build self-esteem throughout the aging process. It makes you feel like you are taking care of yourself and doing what you can to stay fit, attractive and healthy. I’m happy that no one is hiring me based on how I look in a bikini anymore (that’s a lot of pressure), but I believe that my staying in relatively good shape has helped me have babies, naturally, in my 40’s. I want to feel young enough and live long enough to raise them!
What is your greatest challenge to staying in shape? Finding time in my new mom life and battling the changes that happen to your body after having children. I’ve had three babies in five years in my 40’s, so there was a lot going on with my weight and hormones. It was hard to lose the weight in between the pregnancies and now I’m left with some extra pounds…more than I’ve ever had in my life. It’s daunting, but I’m anxious to get started because I’m fine with baby making phase and want to get back to feeling fit and strong!
What is your key to success? When starting back up after a workout hiatus, I don’t overdo it. I do small things at first that I can accomplish so I will feel ENCOURAGED, not DISCOURAGED, which is way more motivating. I try not to punish myself by going too hard, which can lead to giving up.
What do you like about Sonki Fitness Boot Camp and how has it affected your life? There’s so much I like about Sonki Fitness that it’s hard to answer this one. Sonki has also become a lifelong friend, so I’ll start with that. He’s a really caring and fun person, which helps when you might not be in the mood to workout. Sonki makes everything better with his “can do” attitude and charming personality. Aside from my personal fondness for Sonki, I really value Sonki Fitness because it has given me the confidence to take on a fitness program at any stage of my life. Sonki is very knowledgeable and willing to tackle any issue that might come up or get in the way of your fitness goals and general good health. He always considers the individual in tailoring a fitness program that works, and I trust him. I also love the social element of Sonki Fitness. I have lots of fond memories of fitness vacation and Sonki Fitness social events.
What advice would you give to others about fitness? Fitness is worth the effort and becomes a part of your self-identity in a really positive way.
Any other comments? I’m sad not to have access to Sonki Fitness on a regular basis since moving to Northern CA (BOO!) after getting married. I’m hoping to move back to Southern California soon and get back to Sonki Fitness. But I’m anxiously awaiting the Sonki YouTube channel in the meantime!!?