AGE: Past middle-age and in my sixth decade of life
PROFESSION: Human Resources Management
HOMETOWN: San Fernando Valley
COLLEGE: UCLA (undergrad), Chapman Univ (grad).
FAVORITE FOOD: Pickled herring, German style bread, and Haribo Goldbären.
FAVORITE PLACE VISITED: Wherever Sonki Fitness Vacation is!
HOBBIES: Travelling (road trips, adventure, urban tourism), sports (doing and watching), professional soccer (Bundesliga, English Premier League, etc), trivia, and watching Investigation Discovery.
BACKGROUND: I suppose I’m a perpetual fitness enthusiast of Sonki Fitness. I started with Sonki Fitness 18 years ago, when classes were small and soon grew into 20 plus regulars who ran many laps on Lincoln Middle School’s rutted dirt track field. I eventually ran a sub 7-minute mile on a consistent basis, did 90 sit-ups in two minutes, and went on Sonki’s first Maui Fitness Vacation; so why I was never an All-Star back then is a mystery! In any case, after a lengthy hiatus from Sonki Fitness to do cycling races and triathlons followed by my fixer-upper home project, I was too exhausted to commit to any workout routine. Then Covid-19 hit, and whatever exercise regimen I had was all but obliterated. I got into a rut and reminisced about going “up an inch, down an inch.” A random Sonki Fitness Quarantine Workout email landed in my Inbox and I said, “Self, you need to join Sonki Fitness again.” Since my return to Sonki Fitness almost 4 months ago, my aerobic power has increased, I sleep better and I’m regaining muscle mass. Yay me!
What is your current exercise routine? Besides Sonki Fitness Bootcamp on MWF, I cycle, jog and take walks. If we still had indoor gyms, I’d be spinning and weight training as well.
What is your motivation to stay in shape? Although I enjoy exercising at a competitive level, I simply like to feel and look better. I don’t like my gut, hips, and wobbly bits getting out of control and dislike the lethargic feeling of not working out. So exercising and staying in shape help boost my energy levels and prevent me from being tired of being tired.
What is your greatest challenge to staying in shape? Maintaining a consistent workout schedule and eating whatever I want instead of what I should eat (for my age and health).
What is your key to success? Pushing myself to exercise even when I don’t feel like it. I never regret a lousy or bad workout, but I do regret not having done a workout.
What do you like about Sonki Fitness Boot Camp and how has it affected your life? First and foremost, I like that Sonki Fitness is an outdoor program. Nearly 20 years ago, I had done my share of aerobics, kickboxing and Zumba-esque classes, so when Sonki Fitness Boot Camp arrived in 2002, I was ready for the change and challenge to exercise outside and enjoy a breath of fresh air. Literally. Secondly, I like that Sonki Fitness is a program of interval training involving competitive exercises that are effective and challenging for all fitness levels. Knowing myself, I would never do these exercises on my own. Lastly, I like the camaraderie of Sonki Fitness. I’ve made many friends in Sonki Fitness over the years, and we’re all still Sonki Fitness Warriors!
What advice would you give to others about fitness? I give you a repeat response: Exercise even when you don’t feel like it. Be eager and grateful that you can get fit and stay in shape, because living your best fitness life now will serve you well as you get older.