AGE: 63-years young
PROFESSION: Property management
HOMETOWN: Samer, France
FAVORITE FOOD: Hands down! Chinese (desert island food)
FAVORITE PLACE VISITED: Alaska (majestic beauty of the Alaskan range & northern lights) and Paris (history, architecture & culture)
PLACE YOU WANT TO VISIT: My dream vacation is a photographic safari in Tanzania’s Serengeti.
FAVORITE MOVIE: The Shop Around the Corner
HOBBIES: Photography, hiking, travel, home décor, and cooking.
BACKGROUND: I was born France and grew up in the northern part at the English channel, where I enjoyed a healthy and active life. In my early 20’s, I moved to Paris where I lived for several years. Then I came to the US (always my dream), initially to San Francisco and then Los Angeles where I have been living ever since. I love the weather, the beach, the easy going lifestyle, and the diversity of LA. I was one of the very first Sonki Fitness Warriors, having joined the year it started in 2002. After training with Sonki Fitness for a few years (loving the workouts and seeing amazing results), I had to take a break due to my work schedule and other commitments. I stayed active as much as I could (working out at the gym, hiking, doing the Santa Monica stairs, and even running a marathon in 2011), but I noticed the last few years that I lacked the motivation to regularly exercise on my own. Therefore, earlier this year I made the commitment to rejoin Sonki fitness. I started doing the 6:30pm classes but soon realized the schedule conflicted with my work, so I switched to the 6:30 am classes and am LOVING IT!!! Yes, it is difficult to get up early sometimes, especially when it is cold and dark, but just showing up is half the battle. Not only do the 6:30 am fit my schedule perfectly, but I feel more energized throughout the day.
What is your current exercise routine? Sonki Fitness Boot Camp 3 times a week.
What is your motivation to stay in shape? I’ve seen more results with Sonki Fitness in just five weeks than one year in the gym, and that motivates me to keep going.
What is your key to success? I am a very positive person and not afraid to tackle new challenges.
What do you like about Sonki Fitness Boot Camp and how has it affected your life? The beautiful setting of Sonki Fitness classes whether on the bluffs of Palisades Park or on the beach is truly a blessing. I like how Sonki challenges you to reach your maximum workout potential pushing through the good pain, and last but not least the positive attitude, friendly competitiveness of the Sunrise Sonki Fitness Warriors.
What advice would you give to others about fitness? Have a goal and stick to it!