AGE: 36
PROFESSION: Construction Planning Engineer
HOMETOWN: Santa Monica
COLLEGE: IMI, Switzerland (Post Grad)
FAVORITE FOOD: Home-made savory pies
FAVORITE MOVIE: Anything by Jean-Luc Godard, Satyajit Ray, Yasujiro Ozu or Ingmar Bergman.
FAVORITE SINGER: Renée Fleming, Andres Segovia (guitar), and Glenn Gould (piano).
HOBBIES: Being outside and exploring. Camping, foraging, making home tea & medicine. I really want to try archery this year.
BACKGROUND: When I joined Sonki Fitness during the pandemic, my biggest motivation to start working out was to shed some extra pounds I put on during the lockdown. In my first 4 weeks of Sonki Fitness, I lost over 8 pounds and so far have lost a total of 11 pounds. I was pleasantly surprised and happy to see such great results in such a short period of time. Besides the amazing results, what made me want to continue my training with Sonki Fitness were the wonderful people and the sense of community, which as an introvert I consider even more of a significant success for me! I am so happy and pleased with Sonki Fitness that I signed up for the entire year in 2021.
What is your current exercise routine? Sonki Fitness three times a week (somedays double workout in the AM and PM), biking, long hikes, and snowboarding whenever possible.
What is your motivation to stay in shape? My fitness motivation is feeling life and energy in my body. Regular Fitness = stronger spirit + more joy + more life!
What is your greatest challenge to staying in shape? Maintaining a work-life balance. Prioritizing self and personal wellbeing before anything else.
What is your key to success? Commitment. Commit once and then you never have to think about it again.
What do you like about Sonki Fitness Boot Camp and how has it affected your life? Sonki Fitness has brought a sense of community in my life, and that has been very helpful in settling down here in LA after relocating from Boston just a year ago. I also enjoy Sonki’s personality and seeing the same familiar faces of my fellow Sonki Fitness Warriors.
What advice would you give to others about fitness? Don’t shy away from feeling every drop of sweat or muscle pain – there is beauty in all of it!