AGE: 50’S
HOMETOWN: Santa Monica
COLLEGE: University of Michigan
FAVORITE FOOD: Most carbs! And sushi!
FAVORITE PLACE VISITED: It’s hard to pick, but currently Lisbon. But Japan is truly fascinating. And always, Paris. 💕
FAVORITE MOVIE: The default answer is Casablanca, but I can’t wait for Furious 9.
FAVORITE SINGER: Favorite song is “Purple Rain.”
HOBBIES: Photography and plant parenthood.
BACKGROUND: I’m not athletic but do like to stay active. My routine got out of whack in March 2020 when my favorite studios closed. To be honest, I joined Sonki’s class out of sheer desperation. And I’m so grateful for it! It’s been truly fun and challenging (and also has given me a new appreciation for the beach). I’m definitely stronger without even noticing the gradual changes. While I can’t really run l like I used to, I have more endurance, and even more importantly – no injuries, I think mostly due to the strength training part of the class. And last but not least. I really appreciate the camaraderie of other Sonki Fitness Warriors.
What is your current exercise routine? I aim for 5 workouts per week. Sonki Fitness 3x a week, plus spinning and/or long walk/short run/yoga.
What is your motivation to stay in shape? I want to stay fit so I can travel, do things, and not be out of breath walking up a few flights of stairs. And let’s be honest here…we all look better when we’re in reasonable shape!
What is your greatest challenge to staying in shape? Stress, being busy, or lazy.
What is your key to success? Consistency and working out first thing in the morning. I’m so used to working out at least 3x a wk for years that the idea of stopping altogether is unthinkable.
What do you like about Sonki Fitness Boot Camp and how has it affected your life? The variety and challenge, without being annoying/in your face bootcamp type. 😉
What advice would you give to others about fitness? You can do way more things in life when you’re fit. That’s what keeps me going. And trite but true – working out is self care. Your boss doesn’t care if you’re fit or unhealthy as long as you put in the hours. And your family may care, but no one can do it for you!
Any other comments? You don’t have to love exercising. Just make it a part of your routine.