AGE: 37
HOMETOWN: Torrance, CA
COLLEGE: Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Harvard Kennedy School of Government
FAVORITE FOOD: Indian cuisine
FAVORITE PLACE VISITED: I’ve been to 38 countries and found plenty to love in each of them. But as an avid scuba diver and developing wine connoisseur, my favorite trip so far was to Vis Island in Croatia. It’s a hidden gem with wonderful wreck diving, delicious wine, and some fascinating Roman ruins on one pristine island!
HOBBIES: Reading, traveling, diving, and walks with my daughter Ava
BACKGROUND: I started attending Sonki Fitness Boot Camp in 2021 because I wanted to push myself and find a group that would hold me accountable. I found all that and more because along the way I also have made some great friends. On the fitness front, my stamina and mental toughness have markedly improved since joining, and the regularity of Sonki’s classes has helped me develop a newfound dedication to fitness, which makes me so happy.
What is your current exercise routine? Sonki Fitness 3x per week, running 2x per week, and volleyball/tennis whenever I can.
What is your motivation to stay in shape? I work out to maximize positive health outcomes and relieve some of the stress of my job. With the birth of my daughter, I also wanted to improve my health so I can always be there for her when she needs me.
What is your greatest challenge to staying in shape? I’m constantly on the move in my line of work and making healthy food choices can be a challenge in new environments. It doesn’t help that I have a sweet tooth 🙂
What is your key to success? Once fitness became a standard feature of my life (at least an hour a day), I started seeing results. I also attribute whatever ‘success’ I’ve enjoyed to my wife, who has always encouraged me on my fitness journey.
What do you like about Sonki Fitness Boot Camp and how has it affected your life? The sense of community really surprised me. Everyone has been so welcoming at Sonki Fitness, and the brutal workouts are actually enjoyable with a group of friends. Also, Sonki is a one-man local news update, so he keeps me informed about the latest developments in Santa Monica.
What advice would you give to others about fitness? Stick to the routine/schedule and don’t accept excuses to get out of your workouts. Also, try to keep your workouts varied, so they always remain challenging and don’t become monotonous.