AGE: 39
PROFESSION: Writer/Film Distributor
HOMETOWN: Grand Rapids, MI
COLLEGE: Michigan State University
FAVORITE PLACE VISITED: Country – Ireland (especially the Western part). City – Barcelona. I got to spend a week there and doing nothing but sightseeing and writing, and I could definitely get used to that lifestyle.
PLACE YOU WANT TO VISIT: Scandanavia, Australia, and Japan.
FAVORITE MOVIE: If I had to pick one, Apocalypse Now. Three movies I could watch on a loop: Double Indemnity, Jaws, and The Big Lebowski.
FAVORITE SINGER: Not sure, but likely someone from the 90’s (hip hop, alternative, etc).
HOBBIES: Movies, football, reading, running, and traveling.
BACKGROUND: I was obese as a teenager and young adult, getting close to 300 lbs at one point. While I’ve certainly been blessed in life, I always let my weight hold me back from really living the life I wanted. I finally got my act together when I was 26 and was able to get healthy. The change in me, both physically and mentally, was significant. I was practically a different person afterwards, much more confident and sure of myself because I had gotten over that hurdle.
What is your current exercise routine? Sonki Fitness 3 days a week, lots of running (usually 40-45 minutes a day), and some weight training.
What is your motivation to stay in shape? The difference I felt when I was in my best shape in my late twenties compared to how I had felt from ages 10-26 was night and day. I’m trying to get that feeling back again. Also, I have a five year old and want to make sure to model healthy eating and exercise habits for him.
What is your greatest challenge to staying in shape? I’ve definitely yo-yo’ed a bit with my weight, so I always need to stay on top of it. I tend to mindlessly overeat if I’m not careful (i.e. the free chips and salsa at Mexican restaurants), so I always need to check myself and be mindful of when I’ve had enough.
What is your key to success? Being consistent. The only way to have success is to keep showing up and doing the reps. Additionally, I’ve started to journal my food everyday. That has certainly helped me keep myself accountable for what I put into my body.
What do you like about Sonki Fitness Boot Camp and how has it affected your life? I love that I’m able to fit in a great workout to start the day off. I always feel more clarity after the 6:30 AM class which helps me get through the rest of the day. I really love the community feel of Sonki Fitness. I’ve been fortunate enough to try out every class at least once and always enjoy working out with all of the Sonki Fitness members. And you can’t beat the location. For whatever reason, working out with the ocean nearby really motivates me to push myself even harder.
What advice would you give to others about fitness? Stay relentless with your routine. It can sometimes take a while for things to click.