AGE: 28
PROFESSION: People Operations Manager at a transmedia start up
HOMETOWN: Vienna, Virginia
COLLEGE: James Madison University
FAVORITE FOOD: Eggplant parmesan
FAVORITE PLACE VISITED: Any place I set foot in Italy, but I especially loved Taormina in Sicily.
PLACE YOU WANT TO VISIT: Ireland, Croatia, and Malta.
FAVORITE MOVIE: My Big Fat Greek Wedding
HOBBIES: Cooking, coffee & podcast walks, traveling, and searching for the best donut in LA.
BACKGROUND: I grew up right outside of DC in northern VA, and embraced the east coast favorite Lacrosse at a young age (heavily influenced by coach Mom). I ended up playing for 10 years and was in top physical shape before heading to college. From there I kept most of my fitness routine focused on cardio, always running in some form until I started testing out different studios and classes – I was a Core Power regular for years. I tried out Sonki Fitness a few years ago when I first moved to LA, and love the variety it brings to my routine as I build back my endurance and strength.
What is your current exercise routine? Currently Sonki Fitness 3x a week, and I supplement the other days with running or yoga/meditation. But most consistently, walking! Walks before or after work, and on my under-desk treadmill during work from home days – I’ve surprisingly tracked a good amount of miles during meetings.
What is your motivation to stay in shape? Recently I started feeling like my lifestyle was too sedentary. Bad habits had formed in Covid/working from home years that really negatively impacted my physical activity. My motivation right now is to build more fitness and exercise into my routine, break some of these poor habits, and get back into the physical shape I was in when I had a more active lifestyle.
What is your greatest challenge to staying in shape? Making the time during the day for exercise and committing to it. I fall easily into the trap of not working out due to being busy or lazy.
What is your key to success? Reminding myself to celebrate the small accomplishments – even getting to the starting line of a workout is something to be proud of.
What do you like about Sonki Fitness Boot Camp and how has it affected your life? Sonki Fitness has not only helped me improve my endurance and strength, but has also helped me develop a consistent morning routine that positively impacts the rest of my day. I am not a morning person, but my productivity and mental stamina on the days I start out with Sonki are noticeably better than the days without. I love the fresh air, the variety in using the landmarks around us (even the dreaded stairs), and the endorphine-filled drive home as I start my day.
What advice would you give to others about fitness? Exercise comes in so many forms, even taking a walk can positively impact your physical and mental health.