HOMETOWN: Downers Grove, IL
COLLEGE: Purdue University
FAVORITE FOOD: Taco Bell, French fries and potato chips (this is why I’m at Sonki Fitness)
FAVORITE SINGER: Michael Jackson
HOBBIES: Watching/playing sports, shopping, games (board games, card games), reading, watching movies and going to the beach.
BACKGROUND: A co-worker and I signed up for Sonki Fitness a few months after I had a surgery that required cutting through my abs. I have always worked out and been in good shape, but after this surgery I could barely do a sit-up. Needless to say, after my first Sonki Fitness 5-week session my abs were stronger than ever and now I can do sit-ups with the best of them. I learned quickly that if I was dedicated and went to class three times a week, that’s all I needed to do – just 3 hours a week! It’s been 5 years and I’ve taken some breaks and tried other routines like pilates, but nothing works like Sonki Fitness and I always find myself coming back for more.
What is your current exercise routine? Sonki, Sonki, Sonki. And I run in my spare time.
What is your motivation to stay in shape? Exercise is just as much for my physical health as for my mental health. It really can improve your overall mood and outlook on life.
What is your greatest challenge to staying in shape? Time! And food. 😉
What is your key to success? Not falling off for too long. Everyone experiences peaks and valleys, but I try not to let the valleys go for too long because the longer you go, the harder it is to get back (but not impossible!).
What do you like about Sonki Fitness Boot Camp and how has it affected your life? I played team sports my entire life and struggled to stay motivated while exercising on my own. Joining Sonki Fitness, I immediately felt the sense of camaraderie and competitiveness that my workouts had been lacking. I also forgot how great it is to be outside and not stuck in a gym!
What advice would you give to others about fitness? Just show up! That’s 90% of the battle!