AGE:  31



COLLEGE:  Loyola Marymount University

FAVORITE FOOD:  Italian and Mexican

FAVORITE PLACE VISITED:  Queenstown, New Zealand

PLACE YOU WANT TO VISIT:  Swiss Alps, Iceland


FAVORITE SINGER:  Fleetwood Mac, Sinatra, Johnny Cash, Metallica.

HOBBIES:  Wakeboarding, Snowboarding, Cooking, Traveling, Scuba Diving, Hiking.

BACKGROUND:  From my childhood through college, I enjoyed an active lifestyle and ate a healthy diet.  However, it wasn’t until I finished school and joined the full-time working life that I put-on quite a bit of weight.  This was due to two things: a very poor diet and no exercise.  After 3 years of this unhealthy lifestyle, I had put-on a lot of weight.  I just couldn’t believe it.  Finally, out of extreme frustration and stress, I started exercising again.  However, my exercise was limited to just throwing around weights at the gym.  I needed to do more cardio, but I just didn’t have the motivation to do it on my own.

Shortly thereafter, I came across an ad in Playa Vista (where I live) for Sonki Fitness, and I decided to give it a try.  Needless to say, starting out with this extreme program is very tough, but I stuck with it.  That was back in January 2010.  I’m now a regular with Sonki Fitness, and I absolutely love it.  The workouts are still extremely challenging, but I’ve seen huge improvements in my strength, endurance, flexibility, focus, and balance.  The quality of the teaching, the motivation and intensity, the support, and the friends you make are such great attributes – no simple gym routine could ever give you all of that!  Plus, being outdoors is so much better than being stuck in a gym.

What is your current exercise routine?  I do a Sonki Fitness workout 3-4 times a week and a stretch/run 1-2 times a week.

What is your motivation to stay in shape?  I weighed a lot a few years ago due to no exercise and poor diet, and I never want to look – or feel – like that again.  When I did go to the gym, I just didn’t work hard enough and needed to find something that pushed me and was much more cardio-intensive.  Sonki Fitness was the perfect solution for me!

What is your greatest challenge to staying in shape?  While the physical exercise is always tough (especially waking up early in the mornings!), my greatest challenge is eating a healthy, proper diet.  All meals are a temptation to either eat too much and/or eat the wrong stuff.  I try to discipline my diet throughout the week, and then enjoy myself on the weekend.

What is your key to success?  Preparation, focus, and persistence.  Also, visualizing the end result and trying to work back from there helps me achieve my goals.

What do you like about Sonki Fitness Boot Camp and how has it affected your life?  It forces me to get enough rest (I need extra sleep the night before a workout).  Plus, walking to the soccer field in Playa Vista early in the morning is very quiet and peaceful.  Following these morning workouts, I am much more productive at work, and much less stressed.

What advice would you give to others about fitness?  It is a necessary component that everyone should incorporate into their schedules.  Being healthy should be one of your highest priorities!

Any other comments?  Sonki’s routines target every single muscle in your body, and you never know what the next exercise will be.  It challenges your inner drive and forces you to focus on the muscles you are supposed to work.  It’s amazing how many exercises you can complete and how many calories you can burn in just one hour!  Plus, you are making friends who are very motivated and inspiring!