AGE:  47









HOBBIES:  Running, hiking, and pilates.

BACKGROUND:  I was a competitive runner for several years. I joined Sonki Fitness in 2008 when the classes were conducted at Lincoln Middle School. I was hooked after the 1st session. Sonki’s unique style to train everyone with different goals and fitness levels at the same time is impressive. I secretly liked his fitness test as a benchmark to see my improvement at the end of the session. As I got older, my focus on fitness changed with my growing family and work commitments. My health and energy level fluctuated, which also made me alter my fitness goals.

What is your current exercise routine?  I currently do Sonki Fitness 3 days a week (back from a 10 year hiatus) and pilates on other days. I enjoy workouts on the Santa Monica stairs, Culver City stairs or hikes on weekends with my three daughters. I try to find a balance with strengthening my core and endurance.

What is your motivation to stay in shape?  My motivation to stay in shape is my family. It’s important for me to build healthy exercise & eating habits for myself and for my daughters. I want my daughters to enjoy being active in sports and instill the practice of exercising for mental and physical benefits. 

What is your greatest challenge to staying in shape?  The greatest challenge I have to stay in shape is reserving time to make the most of a workout. Daily exercise routines help to get my workout in. I have to get my day started with a workout before my family wakes up, otherwise I’ll use every excuse at the end of the day to not fit it in.

What is your key to success?  My key to success is to set weekly and monthly fitness goals. I will bullet journal to be able to reflect on changes I need to make to set new goals for myself. I’ll also share my goals with family and friends that will hold me accountable. It helps to have encouraging friends like Beth D, Sarah B, and Suzanne W to workout with. Exercise has always been important to me to feel balanced. I feel more productive when I am able to get my workout in.

What do you like about Sonki Fitness Boot Camp and how has it affected your life?  I began Sonki Fitness as a way to cross train 16 years ago. A few teachers and I joined the Boot Camp and had a blast. I even worked out with Sonki through my pregnancies. Having kids changed my priorities, but now that they are older, it feels great to be able to do Sonki Fitness again.

What advice would you give to others about fitness?  Share your fitness and health goals with friends. Invite them to workout with you too. It’s a great way to get support in starting something new and changing old habits. Finding the right workout routine and support system can help you improve your health and fitness. It’s more fun to workout with friends.