Roy Sekoff (May 2006)
AGE: 47
PROFESSION: Writer / Editor of The Huffington Post
BACKGROUND: Roy was born and grew up in Miami. He moved to L.A. to go to grad film school at USC, and have lived here for going on 24 years. He’s married and has two amazing kids, Zack, 10, and Stella, 6. Since starting on the Sonki regime, he has lost 16 lbs and his body fat has dropped from 19% to 13%. For him, in many ways Boot Camp has been a life saver. According to Roy, he is stronger, faster, and fitter than he was in his 20s.
How long have you been working out? I’ve always been active, always played a lot of sports…but I’ve really gotten into the fitness groove with Sonki Fitness, which I’ve been doing religiously (and by that I mean I swear and pray a lot while doing it) since November 2004.
What is your current exercise routine? Boot camp 3 days a week, hiking and/or bike riding with the family on the weekends.
What is your motivation to stay in shape? Trying to keep up with my kids; refusing to go gently into that good night without raging against the dying of the light. And I just feel a helluva lot better when I work out.
What is your greatest challenge to staying in shape? Finding the free time (there is none). Making the time (without feeling too guilty about it)
What is your key to success? Avoiding clichéd mottos, aphorisms, and easy, pithy answers.
How long have you been doing Sonki Fitness Boot Camp? I haven’t missed a session since Nov. 2004.
What do you like about Sonki Fitness Boot Camp and how has it affected your life? Love working out in the Great Outdoors (I’d had enough of the gym dynamic). Love the variety of exercises we do. Love the group dynamic. Love saying my name and where I’m originally from while jogging in place.
What advice would you give to others about fitness? I’m not much on giving advice (what if I’m wrong??), but I do think there is great satisfaction to be found in the discipline of showing up on time and giving everything you have to that moment in time — whether that moment is spent working out, eating, being with friends, reading a book, or cursing at Sonki for not giving you a moment’s rest between sprinting across the sand and a set of walking lunges.
Any other comments? Sonki Fitness has done more for my sanity than Sigmund Freud. It’s “One Flew Over the Boot Camp” (I’ll let you decide who is McMurphy and who is Nurse Ratched).